website company

Professional Retail Web Design & SEO For Shed and Outdoor Furniture Manufacturer In Ohio​

Maximizing Not Only Systems, But Sales

Hartville Golf Carts is a golf cart auto dealer located in Hartville, Ohio and sells golf carts for golf courses and homeowners in the area. When we were approached to develop this website, it was very simple that we had a massive challenge on our hands. Auto dealer web design is no easy challenge (like most web design projects) and comes to deliver not only a perception that this particular website is going to solve the pain point better than others, but be the sales machine it needs to be. We had to get a full idea of their inventory, and decide which direction we are going to go on the template based on the overall look and message the website has for search engines.

Since launching, this outstanding auto dealer website designed by us has been going up, and up in ranking and is nearly outranking most Ohio-based golf cart dealers. This was done with the best practices put in place to the website’s infrastructure, mobile-first responsive web design, product page design and content marketing plans that gets results rather than just sit and look great. With this happening, we are seeing customers come to the website and start to have the conversation about buying a golf cart.

web design for auto dealers

Golf Cart Auto Dealer Website

This auto dealer design base website comes with Landing Pages, story telling Product Landing Pages, Collections, and Blog Posts that grabs the customers eyes. With the best organic photos being taken by our friends at Studio 23 Group out of Wickliffe, Ohio, it made the entire process of making this website simple. One of our favorite feats on this website is the gold cart image slideshow on the top of every single golf cart showcasing the best golf carts you can get in the state of Ohio. You also have an easy navigation that is straightforward, transparent, and gets the customer right where they need to be. 

The Product pages are designed section-by-section to deliver not only the images, but the big descriptions that talks to the customer and talks to search engines and has the right proportions for rankings. Every golf cart is different and have different variables which makes it easier for us to have a great keyword research, and implementation on this website. When creating a blog, we wanted to make sure the template was professional looking so the buyer gets that feeling of great perception for our client.

Golf Cart Auto Dealer SEO

When it comes to golf cart auto dealer seo, we needed to make sure not only our website templates were in good hands, but also the principle of SEO technically and content, were perfected. Crafted for ranking, Hartville Golf Carts has Product Landing Pages targeting particular keywords and traffic acquisition opportunities that are direct for the consumers that lead to getting more customers. The blog written by our website content team integrates insights, advice and updates for first-time and returning buyers so they know what is best for them.


The convenience of this website is that the simplified experience makes it easier for the content and golf carts themselves to stand out more. With over 117 keywords increased since launch (as of May 2023), it has been evident this website is ready to expand further as we continue work on this outstanding website. 

seo for auto dealers

Auto Website Gallery

Get an Outstanding Customized and Unleashed Auto Dealer Website Today

When looking for auto dealer websites and auto dealer seo services, Best Website Builder Group is at your corner. We focus on what your customers are searching and with the customized principles applied to this website, we aim to help you succeed. Auto dealer websites are hard to manage, organize, and also most importantly, rank. We pride in making websites that will be in the company of the top 10% in the world. Hartville Golf Carts is right on the way with a Site Health Score of nearly 100% which is in the top 1% of websites in the World Right now. 

Build a Monster Retail Website Today